captured action
Wed, 28 May 2003 00:41:18 EDT

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In a message dated 5/27/2003 8:33:44 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> All pedals operated satisfactorily, lots of wood-on-dirty-wood sound when 
> the shift is operated.  Looked like it was sitting right down on the bed.  
Hmmph. Bummer. Okay, back to the stretcher. Most of them are roughly even 
with the bottom of the pinblock. If this one isn't, that makes me think it wants 
to come out. I once worked on an 8+ foot Starr (!) piano that had such a 
stretcher. The ends were slotted, and the slots slipped over keys screwed to the 
arms. We had to give it a pretty good whomp (upward) with the rubber mallet in 
order to disengage it. Pretty scary the first time, but nothing else would 
Bob D

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