Triple Over-Strung Upright

Joseph Garrett
Wed, 28 May 2003 09:27:10 -0700

I just looked at the pics! You should have mentioned that it is an
Over-Damper Upright, as well! The String/bridge layout looks like
Mathushek-like thinking! Also noticed the hammer boring will be a bit
different!<G> As for the dampers, don't expect this one to dampen like a
"modern" Upright!
Is this a German piano? I Didn't see a name anywhere. (Seems to me the
original post mentioned the name...duh on me!) Looks pretty rusty
throughout. Best check all the glue joints on this one. It obviously was in
the typical "Olde English" Environment. Probably imported here by some
"Antique Dealer". :-(
Interesting piano. I've run into similar, but with a "Chamber" built into
the Soundboard, for the bass bridge(s).
As the dog says: "Rotsa Ruck" with this one.
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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