Triple Over-strung Upright

Joseph Garrett
Wed, 28 May 2003 09:17:39 -0700

"...have to use 3 separate sheets of paper to rub the bass sting patterns.
This is really going to bamboozle the string makers."
Why don't you just do a proper scale evaluation; print out the sting making
sheet, (one sheet of paper)(possible if you are using a decent Scale
Program); Send to your String Maker of Choice, (hopefully one that won't try
to "out-figure" your work on the scale). If the String Making Sheet has only
the Core, Wrap diameters, size of wrap material, measurements of where the
wrap starts and stops, the "String Maker" has less of a chance of "being
bamboozled" and/or just generally screwing it up. Some food for thought.
BTW, Mark Gallant's "Scale Master" program gives you these options,
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

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