Backchecking Height and an incredible help

Richard Brekne
Wed, 28 May 2003 20:07:43 +0200 wrote:

> At one time (I'm sorry, I repeat myself here, but it is really a long
> time ago) my esteemed instructor Tsuji-san taught me to improve the
> volume of sound by adjusting the height of the CFIII-S back check to
> EXACTLY 2 mm. (it was much less because the back check was actually too
> high). Too my astonishment the sound suddenly was - significantly -
> louder.
> I have since cherished and used this trick during many occasions where
> an instrument was too soft due to whatever caused it.
> It is an incredible help for intoneurs too because it gives us an
> opportunity to improve and re-establish volume without fooling around
> with the hammer felt in what ever way.

Yes... ... I remember you showing us this one. Too this day I am still
wondering if I suffered from some sort of persuasive  hypnosive suggestion
syndrome or something. I was astounding indeed, mostly because one is
immediatly without any hint of a reasoning why the effect could in this or
any other universe be possible. Yet there it was.

> The funniest thing is (I remember this now) that up to now, nobody in
> Japan nor on this list, was able to explain this phenomenon.

I'd like to hear that one for sure.

> So let's give it a try again?
> Antares,
> The Netherlands
> see my website at :
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Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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