Backchecking Height, an incredible help
Wed, 28 May 2003 20:54:39 +0200

On woensdag, mei 28, 2003, at 20:07 Europe/Amsterdam, Richard Brekne 

> Yes... ... I remember you showing us this one. Too this day I am still
> wondering if I suffered from some sort of persuasive  hypnosive 
> suggestion
> syndrome or something.

RICARDO! BABY! Are you suggesting I tried to hypnotize a bunch of 
highly educated Norwegian techs?
(I actually wish I could shhhhhh!)

(; >))

> I was astounding indeed, mostly because one is
> immediatly without any hint of a reasoning why the effect could in 
> this or
> any other universe be possible. Yet there it was.

Yep...there it was.
So for those who have not tried this before :
You are sitting in front of a well regulated grand piano and you try to 
find a few notes which sound a little too soft compared to the rest of 
the hammers. Try hard to memorize the sound as it is right there and 
You then cause the hammer of the too soft note to make drop, and after 
drop has taken place, you measure the exact distance between the hammer 
tail and the top of the back check.
If it is exactly 2 mm you must make use of alternative  ways to alter 
the volume.
However, if the top of the back check is for instance too high you 
should make use of a back check turning tool and carefully screw the 
back check down a few turns (but be careful not to crack the back 
check!!) to achieve a  2 mm gap between tail and back check.
Now you listen carefully and you will notice that the sound is 
definitely different.

Also try to remember that according to a Ricardo Brekne "this guy in 
Amsterdam likes to use his persuasive  hypnosive suggestion syndrome, 
or something"
Then ask yourself : are those guys over there OK?or what? (Euro trash, 


>> The funniest thing is (I remember this now) that up to now, nobody in
>> Japan nor on this list, was able to explain this phenomenon.
> I'd like to hear that one for sure.

The Netherlands

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