No-show fees?

Phil Bondi
Thu, 29 May 2003 16:59:29 -0400

Dave, I do contract work for a dealership around here..and here's our
agreement..plain and simple:

If the customer is not home, my stock letter is left (very
non-offensive..thanks Clyde!) and the store is notified.

If it happens a second time, the store is billed my full questions
asked, and it becomes the responsibility of the store, not me, to take care
of the 'free' warranty tuning.

It hasn't happened yet, but I've had my share of freebee no-shows, and it

Usually, these people are very apologetic, and all is well afterwards..yours
sounds like someone I would just assume want to pass on.

Conrad's in a bad mood?? - alert the media!!

-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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