spinet string repairs

tune4u@earthlink.net tune4u@earthlink.net
Thu, 29 May 2003 16:29:34 -0500

Charles said: "Straw" tool: I like that auto parts tip. I'll try it. One
question, though: one recommendation was to have two separate tubes that
were connected. I wonder if they need to be connected. I could see a case
where it might be helpful to have one half of the string still in its tube
to get it out of the way. So it would go like this: insert each half of
string into separate tube, leaving a loop at the bottom for the hitch pin,
hold tubes together while putting loop over hitch pin, clamp hitch pin to
keep string there, remove only one tube from string and install that
string onto tuning pin (other string is kept out of the way by being in
the second tube), install other string.

I say: Since you haven't already "had your tubes tied," please try that and
let us know how it go. Very lucid thinking--and, as they say, "I love

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

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