stringing questions

Charles Neuman
Thu, 29 May 2003 12:24:22 -0400 (EDT)

My coil lifter wouldn't fit between the tuning pins on a spinet, and it
was tricky getting it to fit on a grand whose string I replaced. What do
you do if it doesn't fit? Are there coil lifters that work better in
confined spaces?

Do most people make their own coils before installing strings on the
tuning pins? As I understand it, you just do that to one side, and then
for the other side you make a coil on the tuning pin while you are
installing it.

I was taught how to make both coils on the tuning pins while the string is
being installed. It's nice to know how to do that in case I forget or lose
my coil-making tool (which I plan to make soon), but it looks like it
would be easier to use a coil-making tool.

Charles Neuman
PTG Assoc, Long Island

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