No-show fees?
Thu, 29 May 2003 18:28:47 EDT

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In a message dated 5/29/03 2:41:31 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> The customer 
> really needs to be told at the time the appointment is made that the 
> technician isn't on salary, that his income depends on work being done, and 
> that a no-show costs him income, and will be charged accordingly. Now if 
> anyone has an idea how that can be done inoffensively and gracefully in 
> twenty five words or less over the phone, I'd love to hear it.
> Ron N

When I had my store, we had this on the bottom of the sales and rental 
contracts, right under the customer's signature. 

Date of Free Tuning: _________Time________

The free tuning is for your benefit and protection. If we do not get
a cancellation call prior to our arrival, you will forfeit the free tuning. 
Call 962-5774 to reschedule the appointment. 

Very seldom did I have a no show.

Since we also had some problems, occasionally, with people forgetting about 
the delivery of their piano, we also had this at the bottom of the contract. 

 Date of Delivery: _________Time________
The delivery is subcontracted by another company. If you are not home when 
they arrive, you will charged an additional $100 moving fee. Call Bill's Piano 
Moving at 621-6258 to reschedule the appointment.   


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