stringing questions
Fri, 30 May 2003 01:16:57 EDT

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In a message dated 5/29/2003 11:36:22 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> My coil lifter wouldn't fit between the tuning pins on a spinet, and it
> was tricky getting it to fit on a grand whose string I replaced. What do
> you do if it doesn't fit? Are there coil lifters that work better in
> confined spaces?


Two suggestions. First, most coil lifters are way too hunky as they come from 
the coil lifter store. Grind the ears thinner. Second, they really won't fit 
some tight pin spacings. I use a string hook as I am putting tension on the 
string. When it is barely snug, I leave my tuning lever on the pin, the string 
hook on the wire as it leaves the coil, and pry up the other side of the coil 
with a screwdriver, using a nearby tuning pin as fulcrum. If the tension is 
right, it will stay in place. Then I bring it on up to pitch, continuing to pull 
up w/the string hook.

I always use a dummy pin to make as many coils as I can slip over the pin, 
but I realize that sometimes the pin is very close to the pressure bar. In that 
case, I might only make one coil on the dummy.

Bob Davis

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