Was Upright parts salvage now O.T.

Tom Driscoll tomtuner@attbi.com
Fri, 30 May 2003 01:19:14 -0400

    Similar story-----25 years ago  I condemned an old upright-(A former
player and Mirror conversion) and told the customer I would wave my
evaluation fee in exchange for the action and ivory keys .She was going
to ask her husband and get back to me. Some how this was misconstrued
and while I was away for the weekend the husband brought the thing to my
apartment and told my roommate that I wanted the piano. My little
workroom was off the kitchen with a 28"door. Well they got it into the
kitchen and that was as far as this thing would go.
	I arrive home with this beast in the kitchen and my poor
roommate thinking he was helping me out.
      The owner came back and took it away, I got the action ,keys ,
mirrors and a bench full of 1930's and 40's sheet music with great cover
pictures of Nat Cole, Tony Bennett, Sinatra , Judy Garland, Ella,
Rosemary Clooney, Hank Williams. Programs from Carnegie Hall W/
Stravinsky conducting and ads for Steinways, cigarettes and 1940
Buicks.Great stuff! Those Photos made some great presents. Nostalgia
	Tom Driscoll RPT  

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