Steinway bore angles

Keith Roberts
Fri, 30 May 2003 07:30:10 -0700

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This is from another tech who does regulation and some hammer hanging =
but went with the prehungs this time. She thought it was a real pain to =
space and align this way and still doesn't like it.
Keith Roberts
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Richard Brekne=20
  To: Pianotech=20
  Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:39 PM
  Subject: Re: Steinway bore angles

  I think you'd be best off by having a look see for yourself. Course =
you already knew that, but it brings up nicely the subject matter of how =
much we can trust an owners assessment of an instrument... and how much =
we cant. In anycase one needs to be real carefull about making any =
suggestions or comments based on other then first hand information... =
yes ???=20
  Cute !! :)=20

  Cheers Keith=20


  Keith Roberts wrote:=20

    You're right, my misunderstanding. She said normally they were  =
angled across the strings one way and now they were they opposite. What =
she meant was the string angle is about twelve degrees and the hammer is =
angled 18 degrees. Usually it's less than the string angle. Spacing and =
string alignment was very difficult. This was on a "M". The hammers were =
prehung from Steinway. Still doesn't seem right to me.Keith Roberts=20
      Get outa here !! :).... Bass hammers angled the same as the tenor =
??????? And it aint even April 1st :)=20

      Keith Roberts wrote:

  Richard Brekne=20
  RPT, N.P.T.F.=20
  UiB, Bergen, Norway=20

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