Ridgewood vertical key slip

bruce greig bgreig@nyc.rr.com
Fri, 30 May 2003 14:48:33 -0400

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Hello again,

I've come across 3 of these bow-wows with keys binding on the key slips. =
 I couldn't locate any way to remove the slips which appear to be built =
into the case (for structural support?)and could not pry the slip enough =
to get shims in.  But I certainly had a good laugh at some of their =
construction methods:  no key frame, no back posts, all straight bore =
hammers, heavy multi-ply keys and incredibly bad bass strings (on the =
oldest one), loose pins (on the newest).

Weber didn't return my call.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Bruce Greig, RPT
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