Hamburg hammer replacement

John Musselwhite
Fri, 30 May 2003 18:38:49 -0600

At 07:03 PM 30/05/03 +0200, Antares wrote:

>We had a discussion about this not long ago but not many technicians on 
>this list seem interested enough in this most beautiful felt used by the 
>'piano Deities' only (STW, Bösend. Bechstein, Schimmel, Yamaha CFIII-S, 
>and lesser others.

I had the opportunity to work on a piano with Wurzen felt hammers recently 
and I was most impressed. The fibres were as soft as silk and the powder 
that came off them while sanding was almost like talc. The sound was beautiful!

Wish we'd see it more often.


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