No-show fees?

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 30 May 2003 22:12:35 -0500

>That's for sure!  Quite often, I'm perhaps 10-15 minutes early and have to
>wait.  sure enough, 5 minutes before the appointment (if I'm lucky), the
>minivan with the harried mom comes screeching into the driveway.
>Gary Mc

That's the one. And if I have a no-show early in the day, I'll call the 
last one on the day's list (if it's in the same sector of the galaxy) to 
try to insert them into the empty slot. If it works (rarely, but 
sometimes), I get home early without having to kill 90 minutes somewhere. 
If it doesn't work, the odds of reaching all the rest of the scheduled 
folks and bumping them up an hour and a half to back-fill are somewhat 
worse than meeting Jimmy Hoffa in the mall on Elvis' birthday.

Ron N

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