lifting strings

David Ilvedson
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 23:36:00 -0700

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I've got to say the string leveling tool looks intriquing.   I=
 wonder if there is any of danger of kinking the wire?  Charles? =
  Probably a small amount of pressure makes the changes?

David I.

----- Original message ---------------------------------------->
From: Paul McCloud <>
To: Pianotech <>
Received: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 21:38:08 -0700
Subject: RE: lifting strings

I attended a class given by Charles Faulk who has invented a tool=
 which can help level strings either up or down.  Go to= and check it out.
    Paul McCloud
    San Diego
----- Original Message ----- 
From: St=E9phane Collin 
To: Pianotech
Sent: 09/30/2004 9:57:06 AM 
Subject: lifting strings

Hello dear list.
I would like to improve my string lifting skills.
After a new stringing job and a decent first pass on action=
 regulation, when the strings have been tuned about 6 times and=
 have stretched out a little, I take my hook and lift all the=
 strings once to ensure a good termination at agraffees (or=
Then, I take a little piece of straight aluminium, 1 mm thick and=
 wide as three unissons, that I put on the strings at the place=
 of striking line.  Plucking the strings tells me what string is=
 higher than the others, as the piece of aluminium sits on them=
 and mutes them.
Ok, nothing new up 'till now.
My problem is that I have a hard time to do an accurate job here.=
  The strings respond very well to the first hook pull, but after=
 that, to refine the string height, I find that some strings=
 still respond to hook pull, some others no way and stay at the=
 same height.  I try then to lower the strings that are too high=
 by knocking on them close to the agraffee with a caoutchouc=
 hammer on a brass rod, but again, some will get down, some=
 others no way.  I end up with a quite good but not perfect job,=
 which saddens me much.
Any ideas about how to improve this technique ?
And yes, sarcasms welcome foreseen that they accompany a good=
 idea (smile).
Best regards.
St=E9phane Collin.

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