Evidence of overlacquered hammers

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Fri, 01 Oct 2004 08:51:12 +0100

No David..

You are becoming the real pain in the ass.  There.. for the first time 
since I have been on this list I stooped too such levels.  You seem to 
feel its your right to tell people that their ideas and thoughts are not 
worthy when ever they dissagree with yours. I've seen this several 
times. You have uttered words and accusations few people here would 
dream about stooping so low to say. What you accused Robin of a year or 
so back was just plain disgusting. And that was by far an isolated instance.

I am not twisting anything... You stated and have repeated that there 
was some connection between soundboard construction hammer selection, 
and you have been rather more specific about it then you seem to want to 
stand for when put to it.  I reject that, I am not alone. And there is 
nothing about stating so that rates the kind of assinine response it 
seems to provoke in you.

What you claimed and didnt is on the record and I simply leave it to 
folks to go back and read.  As for further exchanges, I would hope that 
regardless dissagreements on issues you would find some sense of basic 
decency that you could hold onto a bit more firmly.

Enough on the subject matter. I have always refused to carry on 
disscussions with those few here that drop to these levels... and this 
one is no exception.

er... Cheers
Richard Brekne

David Love wrote:

>You're becoming a real pain in the ass.  Yes, I meant to say that.  I
>don't expect you to see things my way, just don't twist what it is that
>I am saying.  This thread began with my simply saying that it might be
>in peoples' best interest to sample various hammers or styles of hammers
>when replacing hammers because some may sound better than others
>depending on the piano.  You have twisted this into a debate about which
>is better, a lacquered or unlacquered hammer.  I never made that claim.
>I use various types of hammers depending on the piano.  If you want to
>use only one kind of hammer, you have my blessing.  I find that one
>hammer does not fit all.  I leave it for others to decide for

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