Evidence of overlacquered hammers

David Ilvedson ilvey@sbcglobal.net
Fri, 1 Oct 2004 00:16:59 -0700

Boys, boys....come on, give us a break.    

Richard, it is common knowledge that NY Steinway hammers are soft to begin with.   Not necessarily mush balls...;-]   NY Steinway brings the tone up with hardener, ie. lacquer/thinner as necessary.   The vast majority of hammer makers start hard and voice down.  I tend to think softer hammers voiced up tend to hold their voicing longer than hard hammers voiced down.   This is my opinion.   What do you think?   

David Ilvedson  

----- Original message ---------------------------------------->
From: Richard Brekne <Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no>
To: Pianotech <pianotech@ptg.org>
Received: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 08:51:12 +0100
Subject: Re: Evidence of overlacquered hammers

>No David..

>You are becoming the real pain in the ass.  There.. for the first time 
>since I have been on this list I stooped too such levels.  You seem to 
>feel its your right to tell people that their ideas and thoughts are not 
>worthy when ever they dissagree with yours. I've seen this several 
>times. You have uttered words and accusations few people here would 
>dream about stooping so low to say. What you accused Robin of a year or 
>so back was just plain disgusting. And that was by far an isolated instance.

>I am not twisting anything... You stated and have repeated that there 
>was some connection between soundboard construction hammer selection, 
>and you have been rather more specific about it then you seem to want to 
>stand for when put to it.  I reject that, I am not alone. And there is 
>nothing about stating so that rates the kind of assinine response it 
>seems to provoke in you.

>What you claimed and didnt is on the record and I simply leave it to 
>folks to go back and read.  As for further exchanges, I would hope that 
>regardless dissagreements on issues you would find some sense of basic 
>decency that you could hold onto a bit more firmly.

>Enough on the subject matter. I have always refused to carry on 
>disscussions with those few here that drop to these levels... and this 
>one is no exception.

>er... Cheers
>Richard Brekne

>David Love wrote:

>>You're becoming a real pain in the ass.  Yes, I meant to say that.  I
>>don't expect you to see things my way, just don't twist what it is that
>>I am saying.  This thread began with my simply saying that it might be
>>in peoples' best interest to sample various hammers or styles of hammers
>>when replacing hammers because some may sound better than others
>>depending on the piano.  You have twisted this into a debate about which
>>is better, a lacquered or unlacquered hammer.  I never made that claim.
>>I use various types of hammers depending on the piano.  If you want to
>>use only one kind of hammer, you have my blessing.  I find that one
>>hammer does not fit all.  I leave it for others to decide for

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