rebuilding decisions

Andrew & Rebeca Anderson
Sun, 03 Oct 2004 10:49:36 -0600

You mentioned that the treble hammers are catching on the plate.  There 
usually is some adjustment in the placement of the action.  Often very 
little adjustment is needed to free them up.  Only question is, does that 
adjustment improve the sound up there, better strike-point, or not?
I'm not familier with this brand & make.  A lot of pianos have guide pins 
on the action that go into the cheek-blocks and some sort of adjustment 
mechanism in the cheek-blocks.  You can remove the cheek-blocks and keyslip 
and slide the action in and out a little and find the sweet-spot or the 
not-so-sweet compromise.  Most likely you would need to fine tune this 
after filing/shaping/whatever the hammers to reduce their strike-zone to 
something a lot more musical.

Sounds like a lot of fun.


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