Strike Point

Joe Garrett
Sun, 3 Oct 2004 20:36:54 -0700

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Over the years, I've experimented and studied the various =
recommendations for Strike Point. None seem to, truly satisfy me. I'd =
like to hear anyone's preferences, on the subject. What prompted this, =
is: I just recently had a New Key Set made, that esstablishe a new =
balance point, etc. In the process, the maker, (not to be named), threw =
out the old action rails, etc., from the original, (1860's Chickering, =
parallel strung, 8 footer.)! Yikes! Unfortunately, he did this with the =
owners say-so, instead of consulting me! Damn! Anyway, I'm going to be =
re-establishing the strike points and think some feed-back from y'all =
would put my mind, a bit more at ease. (well....maybe not, knowing you =
Any info would be appreciated.=20
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, R.P.T.
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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