rebuilding decisions....etc.

Joe Garrett
Sun, 3 Oct 2004 20:41:59 -0700

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Marcel said: "It's impossible to grind the plate unless grinding the =
base of the
aggraffes at the same time. You'll just have to live with the last
octave that will never sound like a modern piano."

This is precisely what Chickering did on many of his grands. Although =
it's a pain in the rump, to grind that area, I've done it! The agraffes, =
of course, need to be in their proper place, before doing this and there =
is a limit as to how much you can grind off!<G> Also, one would need to =
determine that there is a need for this and to calculate the strike =
point needed.
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, R.P.T.
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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