OT - Beer

hubert liverman hubertliverman@bellsouth.net
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 12:13:34 -0500

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Joe and all

America once had hundreds of local breweries that catered to the varied =
markets. Just as in the piano business, the old small businesses died =
off or were bought out. The result was not the best for both. Piano =
Technicians and Microbreweries are similar in that they must know what =
they are doing to give each product its particular taste. That is why =
this list is indispensable to me.


Hubert Liverman

   Before the current MicroBreweries even thought of doing the real =
stuff, I prefer the TRUE beers of Germany, England, Scottland & =
Ireland...The US Microbreweries make reasonable facimiles!
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