Rebuilding Decisions.....

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 05 Oct 2004 14:25:27 -0500

>O.K. you've convinced me! Now, where the hell can we get bridge pins that 
>are the proper diameter!!????? Schaff doesn't have them!
>Best Regards,
>Joe Garrett, R.P.T.

Maybe I'd better clarify before I start drawing flies. If you're stringing 
an old upright that isn't getting a soundboard, needed or otherwise, and 
the work you're already doing is more than the piano's worth, and there's 
no way another nickle will be allowed for further concessions to function 
and performance, by all means. Epoxy the old pins in place. I was taking 
exception to doing that as a matter of course when there are better results 
to be had by replacing pins. I confess, old upright players don't usually 
get new pins in my shop because the price tag is already five times what 
the average owner thinks the job is worth. After all, pianos last forever, 
and the tooner said it just needs a few hoses.

Ron N

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