Billing's flange repairs

Paul McCloud
Wed, 6 Oct 2004 06:25:40 -0700

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I had to repair these flanges on my mother's piano.  I spread the flange open a little, then drilled the flanges with a drill matching the diameter of the pin I wanted to use.  If you open too much it breaks, so be careful.  When you mount it, the flange will tighten on the pin.
    Paul McCloud
    San Diego

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: 10/05/2004 8:59:47 PM 
Subject: Billing's flange repairs


I have tuned a friend of mine's piano a couple of times.  Middle C hammer/butt assembly is loose.  The piano has Billing's flanges, which I have never worked with before.  I removed the assembly, and the pinning was loose in the hammer bushings.  After finding the appropriately sized pin to replace it with, I found that I couldn't get it through the "bird's eye" of the flange.   

Stupid question # 1,892:  How tightly are the pins supposed to fit in the flange/bird's eye?   

Historical Note:  The piano in question is a really well maintained old Beckwith upright that has been in my friend's family since new,  purchased from the Sears Catalogue in the late 1800s by her great grandma(much to the chagrin of her great grandpa).  It took a few trips in covered wagons. 

Her 88 year old father remembers crawling around beneath the keyboard when he was a toddler.  It used to get taken to the town center on Saturday nights for the weekly hoe-down(or some such thang).   

Any help on pinning this type of flange will be greeted with gratitude. 

Dave Stahl 
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