Dampp-Chaser Power Cord Organization

Jon Page jonpage@comcast.net
Thu, 07 Oct 2004 08:08:01 -0400

Wally Brooks carries snap-on plugs to shorten the cords to a minimal length.
(Also available at hardware stores).

He also carries an item called "Add-a-Plug" which crimps onto a cord and 
allows for another
cord to be spliced/plugged-in. This negates the need for a gang plug at the 
H-2.  However,
somewhere in the Mid-West a Fire Marshall disallowed this practice at a 
University as a
potential hazard.    (Maybe a little over-zealous for the wattage involved).
So the tech had to route the cords via a power strip.


Jon Page, piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.

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