ethics discussion to the next level

Conrad Hoffsommer
Fri, 08 Oct 2004 06:37:05 -0500

At 06:31 10/8/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>If my customer is Asian, it is automatic for me. I don't wait for them to
>I also do it for very light colored carpeting or if I see a pile of shoes by
>the front door.
>Dean May             cell 812.239.3359
>   812.235.5272
>Terre Haute IN  47802

During the snow season, and during mud season (that means all year around 
here), I always as I enter and make a great production of wiping my feet on 
the entry rug.  Many times they'll say "don't bother", but they always know 
that I respect their home and realise that I am a guest in it.

If you see a pile of boots on a special rug by the door, that's a BIG hint.

Conrad Hoffsommer - Keyboard Technician
Luther College, 700 College Dr., Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
Vox-(563)-387-1204 // Fax (563)-387-1076

-My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely.
It's gone right now and didn't leave a forwarding address.

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