Subject: Prize Winning Worn Out Piano Keys -!!!

jason kanter
Fri, 8 Oct 2004 07:49:00 -0700

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I think that damage was deliberately done with a blowtorch.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On
Behalf Of Paul Chick (Earthlink)
  Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 4:58 AM
  To: Pianotech@Ptg.Org
  Subject: FW: Subject: Prize Winning Worn Out Piano Keys -!!!

  A chapter member  sent  this photo to me.  It's hard to imagine playing
this piano.

  Paul C

  Subject: Prize Winning Worn Out Piano Keys -!!!

  These are keys from a piano that was recently "traded-in" and
  promptly hauled to the dump.  It obviously took many years
  of playing to wear down the sharps and wear holes this deeply
  into the natural keys.  It is very likely that the person who
  played this piano wore "porcelain" glue-on fingernail covers
  which are truly "hard-as-nails" and very abrasive to ANY type
  of keyboard covering.  One-or-two glissandos across the keys
  with "porcelain" nail covers can hopelessly scratch new keys.
  If you look at the picture you can actually see grooves in the
  wood which are the same shape as the fingernails.


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