Steinway factory whippens
Sat, 9 Oct 2004 11:06:20 EDT

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Barbara Richmond asked about this last week & since then  I've been in the 
process of traveling several sets in the shop with difficulty.  I returned a set 
this week they were bad enough that 90% needed travel paper. I  recieved a 
set back & they were as bad. This is disapponting & a waste  of timeto  mount & 
then remove parts ughh
  It's not just that problem but also the rep lever being pinned in a  non 
perendicular fashion to the whippen body. Upon removing the defective  set from 
the rails I put on a set of Renner USA parts . My Son only  traveled 3 
Whippens in the bass & completed traveling the rest in about an  hour. Ther were'n 
treally many to do. He's slow & new to this job but  the visual difference of 
looking at straight parts  right after  looking at the others was quite dramatic.
  I like the factory parts when they are right but right now they need  a 
process that can drill straight holes & sumpin is askew.
  Fortunately Renner USA has repaired the formely funky & non  original jack 
angle I objected to & the new parts fit very well.
  Just thought update this
   Dale Erwin

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