SW/parts question

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sun, 10 Oct 2004 19:23:33 +0100

The basic idea of more to less shank mass / stiffness is not unusual. 
Tho there are several different ways this has been accomplished through 
the years. Pretty common today is the use of so-called hex shanks... not 
so hex mind you.. but just so. These are often either 2 sizes or 3 
dependant on the piano. I like to use three for most situations. Doesnt 
cost any more and makes a smooth transition to the thin ones in the treble.


Mark Davidson wrote:
> My current project (Miller baby grand) has three different types of shanks.
> Is that common/usual?  The transition from square to cylindrical occurs at
> different places - longer square sections in the bass, shorter in the 
> treble.
> Are such parts available?  Atached shank photo.
> Is there some approximate guide for mapping hammer set weights (e.g. 14 lb)
> onto SWs?  This piano is approximately zone 4 (1/2 low).
> -Mark
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