More square grand advice

Sun, 10 Oct 2004 17:45:30 -0600

Thanks everyone for the advice on the 1/0 tuning pin drill bit thread.

I ended up using a "C" on the bass/tenor and a "D" in the treble, it feels 

Now, on to hammers.

Existing original 1875 hammers resemble Aeolian spinet hammers, really.

Teeny tiny featherweight things. Shaped mostly more like upright than grand 
hammers, but neither really.

Bored at angles that smoothly vary and change 90 degrees from bass to treble.

Chewed to shreds from the felt shaping to get clearance.

The newly strung piano is LOUD and has very very long sustain.

It seems that not much will be needed activation energy wise.

Suggestions as to delicate-weight quality new hammers for this noble and 
ancient beast.

Seriously, it looks like spinet hammers are the closest living relatives of 

Are there such things as high-quality not-too-dense spinet hammers?

All suggestions (spinet hammer or otherwise) appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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