another dampp-chaser thought/question

Bec and John
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 20:17:07 -0400


I did my first dampp-chaser installation on Sat. I noticed today that 
the piano's unisons were more off-tune compared to Sat. than they were 
on Sat. compared to when I tuned it 1-1/2 months ago. Looks like it's 
doing something :)

In any case, I was a bit uncertain about something. The instructions 
said to do an under-the-beams installation if there wasn't enough 
clearance for the humidifier baffle. But it didn't say what enough 
clearance was, so I presumed this meant "if it doesn't fit". There is 
between 1/4"-1/8" clearance above the baffle. Is this enough?

I was also curious if anyone was willing to post a picture of their 
techniques to hide the extra cords.


- John Silva, P.T. sans R

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