kinesthesia, was visual cortex and delicious foodstuffs

jason kanter
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 23:14:46 -0700

I do so enjoy the play across senses, which can become quite weird and is
called kinesthesia. At its extremes there are phenomena like someone who
experiences tastes as shapes. Roast beef was like arches to a man I heard on
the radio. More common is to experience sound as color, and no doubt there
was some of this in Mozart who felt the key of D to be yellow. And when
hammers are like ice cream or -- can't quite remember the wonderful way Oleg
describes sounds -- It is an openness to the experience that transcends any
single sense. I feel in the presence of similar genius.


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of David Andersen
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 10:00 PM
To: Pianotech
Subject: Re: visual cortex and delicious foodstuffs

> In the future I will try to block my "visual cortex"  so that nobody will
> bothered  by any "delicious foodstuff"s.
> OK?

Au contraire, mon ami, please refer often and enthusiastically to any of
your pleasures or perceptions...we love them.

And Jason was not being sarcastic, IMO; more like admiring.

Rock on.....xoDA

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