tuning 'notes'

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 05:24:35 -0500

At 05:22 10/15/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 10/15/04 12:00:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
>bigda@gte.net writes:
>>With Andre' and so many other gifted wizards on this list, working on pianos
>>that satisfy the most discerning ears, I think it's fascinating that we all
>>are a little or a lot different, but that all of us arrive at the same
>>place: a beautiful piano that is crisp, that sings and resonates, that is
>>ripe with color and dynamic range and expression.
>You have a wonderful way with words. The pleasure you derive from your/our 
>craft shines through and is an inspiration.  Now if only I could make that 
>Whitney spinet fit the description of the above paragraph.....;-}
>Dave Stahl


He had a caveat...

>I see setting an ideal, rock-solid, musically pleasing temperament
>according to each piano's subtle harmonic and inharmonic differences ....

Pianos are as individual as the people who own them.  One ol' boy explained 
it to me this way; "There are some people who, when you meet them, you just 
want to slap!"

I'm probably in that category, but I try to be the best I can be.  You can 
only make that Whitney the best IT can be.  Just don't try to compare it 
with anything else, and try to leave it better than you found it.

Conrad Hoffsommer, RPT, MPT, CCT, PFP, ACS, CRS.
Decorah, IA

- Certified Calibration Technician for Bio-powered Digitally Activated 
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