yamaha wire is metric..OT

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 20:29:17 +0100

pianolover 88 wrote:

> So if there are no strings available to mic, the sense i'm getting 
> from these posts, is that the scale indications on the long bridge are 
> basically useless? The Travis book, "A guide to restringing" lists the 
> EXACT SAME scale (for yamaha G1 (J)) as found on the very same piano's 
> long bridge. So does that mean you would NOT drop 1/2 size, but simply 
> duplicate the actual sizes indicated, when using American Standard wire?
> Terry Peterson
In reality, you can certainly use either or sets... or for that matter 
mix them and still get good sound.  You can change the mensur (scale) 
altogether if you want and if you know what you are doing perhaps even 
improve the sound.  The more you  do know, the more probable a desired 
outcome will result.


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