The answer from Yamaha

Don Mannino
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:33:34 -0700

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The wire size list is attached.

One of the problems is that metric wire, when sold in the US, is often=20
marked with the closest equivalent US wire gage size.  For instance, the=20
last time I bought R=F6slau wire from Schaff, it measured close to the US=20
wire size, not the metric gage marked.  So if you get #15 R=F6slau wire and=
measure it, it will be most likely be .0354" - or Metric 15 1/2 gage.

Confusing, no?

Don Mannino

At 04:42 PM 10/18/2004, you wrote:
>Why not just buy metric wire? If I remember correctly, Don Manino and/or=
>did a lot of measuring several years ago and some of the wire sizes are=20
>the same.
>But not all. Do you still have that handout, Don?

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