wire wrappings

Mark Davidson mark.davidson@mindspring.com
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 20:38:50 -0400

So let's see if I understand this...

If I have a .050" core, .025" inner wrap and .075" outer wrap (25:75 = 1:3) 
then I get
something like

.050" + 2 * .95 * (.025" + .075") = .240"



Ron N wrote:
Wrapping the copper around the core flattens (ovals) it by about 5%, so you
have to allow for that by starting with a wrap wire of about 5% bigger than
diameter-core/2, or at least the string maker does. Same with the outer
wrap over the inner in double wrapped strings to end up with the target
overall diameter. I use a inner/outer wrap (wire size) ratio of about 1/3.
Conklin says at least 1/2.

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