metric wire sizes

Piano Forte Supply
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 00:50:53 -0700

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I think we can all rest assured that Roslau wire is indeed being made in 
metric sizes.    For the North American market, it is sold in bulk to 
distributors who re-package it into smaller coils and mark it in 
American gauge numbers.

There is a chart for comparing American and German gauges on my 
website.  It is quite interesting to note that in small sizes, American 
gauge numbers are higher, 11.5 is the same in both gauges, and above 
11.5 the American numbers are lower!  See

Roslau used to include a little cheat sheet in each of the coils they 
packaged.  The back had a chart of their gauges, the front has a neat 
old-fashioned advertisement (see below).

Jurgen Goering
Piano Forte Supply

> That must've been a long time back, because German Roslau Piano wire 
> currently sold in the US is NOT Metric, and is "marked" In American 
> Standard gauge.  It's been that way for a while now.
> Terry Peterson

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