Epoxy on soundboards

michael campi campimichael@hotmail.com
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 13:58:36 +0000

My two cents,
First thanks to everyone who answered my computer questions. I have used a 
product that is put out by a company called The Rot Doctor it is a clear 
penetrating epoxy sealer mixed one to one and it is about the consistancy of 
slightly thin syrup when you are done it pours on, has a long set up time 
brushes out nicely and then virtually levels itself there is no sanding 
necessary after. I use two coats and according to the rep apply my topcoat 
when the second coat is still tacky the topcoat will then bind with the 
sealer. This stuff was designed for use in the boat industry and as an 
experiment I poured some on a piece of glass and when dry it is very much 
like a thin piece of wood. It seems to work and does not require much estra 
For the person who asked i live in Upland California The Beer Belly of 
America about 45 miles east of LA.

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