Peace Offering (OTOT)

Sarah Fox
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 13:17:37 -0400

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Hi all,

Sorry 'bout the 8" commentary.  I really couldn't help myself!!  ;-)  =
It's so funny to watch this decades-long battle still in progress!

As a peace offering to all of you lovers of the inch, and as a means of =
shameless self promotion, I'm announcing my innaugural 8" Sale, to run =
from now until the election (Nov 2).  (No, really, I'm dead serious...)

As of today, I am finally on line with my new photographic art business, =
Graphic Fusion.  Please check out my original artwork, and if you see =
anything you like, I'll sell you an 8" x 12" (20.32 x 30.48 cm) print of =
it for half price, with free delivery within the Continental US.  To =
qualify, you need to have posted something on the pianotech list while =
I've been here -- or you need to introduce yourself to the list if =
you're a lurker.  You'll need to contact me privately to place the =
order, rather than processing it through PayPal's ordinary shopping cart =
and checkout route.

The web site is:

Why am I doing this?  (1) I need the money, (2) I'm in a good mood and =
want to celebrate, and (3) I want to say thanks to y'all for everything =
I've learned here.  All of the proceeds will feed my meager bank account =
and will not be shared with any political candidate!  (They have enough =
money already.)


PS  If you see any errors or glitches, please let me know!  I'm still =
shaking the web site out.

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