Epoxy on soundboards

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 20:19:19 +0100

This is actually correct Joe. Del does recommend this to keep the epoxy 
from being detrimentally affected. Whats the big deal ? Why should there 
be no UV blocker whatsoever on the piano soundboard eh ? I havent heard 
this one before.



David Love wrote:

> Epoxy is sensitive to ultra violet light. Even the best laid plans to 
> keep UV light away from the board aren’t always effective. A spray 
> coat of lacquer or varnish with UV blockers is recommended by Del 
> Fandrich in the article he wrote on the subject.
> David Love
> davidlovepianos@comcast.net
> -

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