(OT) Metric - was The answer from Yamaha

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 19:07:20 -0500

Are you referring to Sarah or Conrad???? :-)


At 06:58 AM 10/21/04, you wrote:
>I am proud to announce to you all :
>there IS at least one american showing sings of culture.
>(Yes, believe me.)
>Conrad said :
>>Sarah - a span is 9", perhaps 8" would be a lite or diet span?
>>Inch is the width of the king's thumb
>>Yard is tip of his nose to tip of outstretched hand (arm held out level 
>>to side)
>>Mile is a thousand Roman army paces. (mille=thousand)
>>BTW,   1 spat = 39,370,078,740,157.48 inch [international, U.S.]
>>         i.e. 1 billion km. which is about how OT this thread has become.
>>Well named, no?
>>Conrad Hoffsommer
>>Early to rise: early to bed;
>>Makes a man healthy, and socially dead.
>>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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