(OT) Metric -

Sarah Fox sarah@graphic-fusion.com
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 23:24:23 -0400

> Screw France too!  Oui, oui!

Geeesh, Terry, as SORELY tempted as I am to take the bait (e.g. "gee, BOTH 
female AND male Frenchmen?"), I'm afraid I have to echo the sentiments of 
others here.  This is all getting pretty ugly, and you're frankly 
embarrassing me.  I'm very proud of our American heritage and culture. 
We're among the most charitable, welcoming people in the world, when you get 
to know us, but it seems our chief, self-appointed ambassadors to the world 
represent us quite poorly.  It is rare that I presume to apologize for the 
behavior of a compatriot, but this would clearly be one of those moments.

The world is becoming a much, much smaller place, Terry, especially with the 
advent of the Internet.  We can either embrace the opportunities we are 
afforded for mutual understanding and international cooperation, or we can 
throw rocks at each other like a bunch of imbeciles.  I vote for the former. 
And if integrating successfully with the remaining 95% of the world means 
learning a much simpler system of measurements, so be it.  Perhaps when 
we're all on one system of measurements (the Systeme International), we 
won't waste billions of dollars bouncing probes off the Martian atmosphere!


PS I am marketing my photographs in inch-dimensions, because that is what 
the American market expects (the majority of my customer base), but this 
entire discussion has brought to light the need for me to edit the pages to 
reflect centimeter conversions.  Thanks for opening my eyes a bit, everyone. 
Those conversions will be up tomorrow.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "pianolover 88" <pianolover88@hotmail.com>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: (OT) Metric -

> Terry Peterson
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: David Andersen &lt;bigda@gte.net&gt;
> Reply-To: Pianotech &lt;pianotech@ptg.org&gt;
> To: Pianotech &lt;pianotech@ptg.org&gt;
> Subject: Re: (OT) Metric -
> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 18:42:20 -0700
> &gt; I don't give a crap what system OTHER countries use. This I s 
> America, and I
> &gt; like it just the way it is, thank you!
> &gt;
> &gt; Terry Peterson
> Hold on, hold on now.  This is classic, bonehead, ugly American stuff. 
> What
> if some guy from France or Belgium made disparaging, disrespectful remarks
> about you and your country? What DO you give a crap about, Terry? Besides
> relegating the other 6.-whatever billion people who don't happen to live 
> in
> the US to some kind of purgatory? Grow up, dude. That goes for the other
> Peterson, too.  And you, Joe Garrett. Whatever happened to that greatest 
> of
> American-born philosophies, the Thumper Principle?
> You know---In &quot;Bambi&quot; the movie, where Thumper the bunny says,
> &quot;If ya can't say somethin' nice about somebody, then don't say 
> nothin' at
> all.&quot;
>   I thought only Maoists believe that power grows out of the barrel of a
> gun. &lt;g&gt;
> Best,
> David Andersen
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