(OT) Metric - Back On Topic

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 23:02:49 -0400

At 10:42 PM -0300 10/22/04, John Ross wrote:
>There is a margin of error.
>0.010" is equivelant to .254mm.
>The difference of that .004mm, adds up, and that is only to the third place

Thanks for the clarification. It was an error created, not because I 
used a calculator for the conversion, but my digital caliper. That 
error doesn't get a chance to build up making single point 
conversions on the caliper, and is beside the point when one has made 
the choice of rulers between metric and decimal English.

My original point was if the mm increment was attractive to people 
because of its small size, there were at least four 0.010"s in a mm.

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