Re-ribbing an olde board

Richard Brekne
Sat, 23 Oct 2004 11:27:50 +0100

Interesting point Joe.

This one I havent heard before, and I suppose it would need checking out 
to see exactly how much of a concern it is <<in theory>> for a rib 
crowned board. That said, we do know that guys are out there using 100 + 
year old wood for this purpose... and doing so successfully. We do know 
that there are very old wood instruments of many sorts out there 
functioning just great.  Some of these are highly valued for their 
distint and beautiful sound.

But... on the lighter side.... grin...   a soundboard made of petrified 
wood...  now there is a thought.


Joe Garrett wrote:

> Yes, I changed the subject.<G>
> The one thing that gets me to NOT want to do a re-ribbing of an olde 
> board, is the fact that wood does age. Forget the compression factor 
> for now. Let's just consider this: In the aging process of wood, it 
> loses it's cellular cohesion/bonding. At some point, this aging 
> process creates what is known as Brash Failure. If wood is kept in a 
> consistant environment, it will eventually turn to stone, (ie 
> petrify). The Brash Failure occurs about half way to the petriying stage.
> Most of us have run into the action w/parts that defy repair. These 
> actions are in the first stages of Brash Failure. The best way to 
> explain how the wood reacts is: a new shank/dowel, when broken will 
> splinter. One with Brash Failure will break cleanly, as if it were 
> sawn. I've seen this problem on parts that were less than 50years 
> olde, so there's really no way of telling when this will occur.
> So, back to the boards....I feel that there is no way of knowing how 
> much more time the wood, of the sound board will have, so I'm very 
> reluctant to re-rib a board, even though it is an intriguing 
> idea/technique. I think, that if I'm going to go to all the trouble to 
> take a board out, then I'll improve on what was there originally, if I 
> can.
> Best Regards,
> Joe Garrett, R.P.T.
> Captain, Tool Police
> Squares R I

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