Re-ribbing an olde board

Quentin Codevelle
Sat, 23 Oct 2004 12:24:16 +0200

Hi Ric and Joe,

I read somewhere that Stephen Paulello, the guy who created his own concert grand here in France (There were some posts about it sooner) has found some 70 years old spruce to product the soundboard for his new 220cm (6" ???) grand piano.

Why would it interest him if the wood is going into the process of petrification, and is more rigid, less flexible than today's spruce?

I guess there is a real musical reason to select very old spruce instead of the same spruce used in the pianos that are being built now.
I don't know which one but there should be a reason.

The thought about petrification of the wood is really interesting indeed.


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