Filters (was RE: OT-"Bad American")

Phillip Ford
Sun, 24 Oct 2004 11:41:57 -0700

>Hi Ilex,
>Yes most email programs allow "filters" so you can "ignore" posts from a
>"list" of undesireable addresses.....
>The sad part is that by eliminating someone on a listserv like this you
>also miss the good things they say.
>Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.

In this case I don't think that will be a consideration.  And if it 
were, I don't think that should prevent you from setting a filter. 
If said poster were ever to post anything worth reading, then chances 
are that someone else (that you don't have a filter set for) will 
respond to the post and you will see the response.  Unfortunately, 
that applies for both worthwhile and worthless posts.  The current 
'Bad American' thread is an example.  I didn't see the original post 
as I had it filtered out.  But I've been made painfully aware of it 
from the posts of all those who chose to respond to it (imprudently, 
in my opinion).

Phil Ford

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