wound string replacement

David Renaud drjazzca@yahoo.ca
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 17:29:13 -0400 (EDT)

My current thinking regarding a set of bass string...
Prices in Canadian dollars.
In home 3 appointments 1)specs 2)install 3)tune

a) Measure specs and order - one hour service call

b) Install:

1)1 hour--- Old string off, pins out, clean up 
           bridge, termination points etc. 
2)2 hours--- Bass string on 
3)1 hour -- Quick pitch raise, check seating of loops,
double check coils, seat string on bridge, string
braid, second pitch raise ----- Stringing is done.

c) Come back in a few days to a week, massage string,
quick pitch raise of bass tune piano..... regular
service spot. 

If done in home ....
a = $50
b =$200
c = $85
Cost of rescaled string with shipping approx. $350

Total of $690 includes spec, parts, install to pitch,
and follow up tuning. Another tuning in 3 months 
                       Dave Renaud




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