OT-Road Service

David M. Porritt dporritt@mail.smu.edu
Tue, 26 Oct 2004 20:09:59 -0500

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My sympathy!  I've never thought AAA was a good deal since I was=
 in Chicago at a service station during a snow storm.  His phone=
 was off the hook so I asked the guy if he wanted it put back. =
 He said "no, I'm a AAA station and I don't want them to call=

I have State Farm insurance and for like $25 a year or so I can=
 call whomever I need for an emergency, tow or whatever and=
 they'll reimburse me up to $160.00.  Check with your insurance=


David M. Porritt, RPT
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

----- Original message ---------------------------------------->
From: Barbara Richmond <piano57@flash.net>
To: Pianotech <pianotech@ptg.org>
Received: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 16:48:25 -0500
Subject: OT-Road Service

Hey all,
Had one of those days.  Got a late start, drove 40 miles to the=
 big dead hall and promptly locked my keys in the car along with=
 the piano action and all my tools.  Called AAA, waited 45=
 minutes in the cool wind and spitting rain (forgot my jacket). =
 Called AAA again.  A while later I received a call from a local=
 service business asking me what I needed.  Finally, after=
 waiting a total of 1 1/2 hours, a locksmith drove up and opened=
 my car.  The fellow said if I had called him directly he would=
 have been there in 10 minutes.  Grrr.
Last August (on the way to a PTG picnic!), my car, my family and=
 I ended up in a ditch to avoid a head-on collision and it took=
 almost 3 hours for AAA to deliver on service.  Same scenario,=
 called, waited, called again, got the call from the local folks,=
 waited, called again.......
So, the question is, is this worth it???!!!!   Are there any=
 better deals out there you can recommend?  
Feeling a bit grumped out,
Barbara Richmond, RPT

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