soft blows / tuning

Carl Teplitski
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 01:14:39 -0500

"Very, very interesting subject, and one that has been in my mind for a
long time.
Trying to set the pin with subtle " jerks " of the pin as oppossed to a
pull.  Recall seeing a video with Jim Coleman and George Defebaugh.
Defebaugh made the remark that he was a jerk tuner, and had a chuckle.
This led me to think that his way may have been , even in his mind, not
considered the accepted and best way to tune. He was a highly respected
tuner / technician , so I like to think that his method must have merit.
list members on this topic use the term  " bump " . I wonder if that
means jerk.

Carl ? Winnipetg.

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