soft blows / tuning

Wed, 27 Oct 2004 08:38:06 -0400

At 6:50 AM -0500 10/27/04, Conrad Hoffsommer wrote:
>The "bump" was a popular dance when I was starting tuning, and a lot 
>of "jerks" did it at the time.  I tend to think of tuning with 
>gentle nudges.  You can feel if you actually moved the tuning pin, 
>or just twisted the top half.

At 1:20 AM -0400 10/27/04,  Jenneetah wrote:
>When you think the pin and string are set, nudge the hammer CW and 
>see how large a nudge it takes to produce a change in the speaking 

Of course, if in this stability check, you make any motion with the 
tuning pin or string large enough that they don't immediately snap 
back (as judged by a return to the dead unison), you then have to go 
back to square one.

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